X12 EDI Release 00701
1468Reason Stopped Work Code
Code identifying reason claimant stopped working
Codes (37)
  • 10Vacation
  • 11Paid Leave of Absence
  • 12Unpaid Leave of Absence
  • 13Lay off Permanent
  • 14Lay off Temporary
  • 15Personal Day Off
  • 16Terminated
  • 17Illness
  • 18Injury
  • 19Holiday
  • D1Discharged Failed to Meet Work Standards
  • D2Discharged Not Qualified
  • F1Failed to Report for Assignment
  • F2Fire, Flood or Natural Disaster
  • L1Lay Off Seasonal
  • L2Lay Off End of Assignment or Contract
  • L3Lay Off Reduced Hours or Partial Employment
  • L4Lay Off Workforce Reduction
  • M1Misconduct Insubordination
  • M2Misconduct Excessive Absence or Tardiness
  • M3Misconduct Violated Rules or Regulations
  • M4Misconduct Dishonesty
  • M5Misconduct Failure to Call or Show
  • O1Labor Dispute
  • O2No Record of Employment
  • O3Still Employed Part-time
  • O4Jury Duty
  • O5Company Relocation
  • O6Still Employed or No Separation
  • O7Other
  • Q1Quit
  • R1Refusal to Provide Service
  • V1Voluntary Accepted Another Job
  • V2Voluntary Personal or Not Job Related
  • V3Voluntary Left Area or Follow Spouse
  • V4Voluntary No Reason Given
  • V5Voluntary Educational Pursuits