X12 EDI Release 00701
1029Claim Status Code
Code identifying the status of an entire claim as assigned by the payor, claim review organization or repricing organization
Codes (42)
  • 1Processed as Primary
  • 2Processed as Secondary
  • 3Processed as Tertiary
  • 4Denied
  • 5Pended
  • 6Approved as amended
  • 7Approved as submitted
  • 8Cancelled due to inactivity
  • 9Pending - under investigation
  • 10Received, but not in process
  • 11Rejected, duplicate claim
  • 12Rejected, please resubmit with corrections
  • 13Suspended
  • 14Suspended - incomplete claim
  • 15Suspended - investigation with field
  • 16Suspended - return with material
  • 17Suspended - review pending
  • 18Suspended Product Registration
  • 19Processed as Primary, Forwarded to Additional Payer(s)
  • 20Processed as Secondary, Forwarded to Additional Payer(s)
  • 21Processed as Tertiary, Forwarded to Additional Payer(s)
  • 22Reversal of Previous Payment
  • 23Not Our Claim, Forwarded to Additional Payer(s)
  • 24Transferred to Proper Carrier
  • 25Predetermination Pricing Only - No Payment
  • 26Documentation Claim - No Payment Associated
  • 27Reviewed
  • 28Repriced
  • 29Audited
  • 30Processed as Conditional
  • 31Not Our Claim, Unable to Forward
  • IInitial
  • ADAdditional
  • APAppealed
  • CCWeekly Certification
  • CLClosed
  • CPOpen
  • RAReaudited
  • RBReissue
  • RCReopened and Closed
  • RDRedetermination
  • ROReopened