X12 EDI Release 00504
1005Hierarchical Structure Code
Code indicating the hierarchical application structure of a transaction set that utilizes the HL segment to define the structure of the transaction set
Codes (81)
  • 0001Shipment, Order, Packaging, Item
  • 0002Shipment, Order, Item, Packaging
  • 0003Shipment, Packaging, Order, Item
  • 0004Shipment, Order, Item
  • 0005Financial Institution; Client or Party; Contract; Component; Account; Item; Coverage, Rider or Supplementary Benefit
  • 0006Financial Institution; Client or Party; Contract; Account; Coverage, Rider or Supplementary Benefit
  • 0007Information Source, Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent, Event, Services
  • 0010Information Source, Information Receiver, Provider of Service, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0011Information Receiver, Information Source, Provider of Service, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0012Information Source, Provider of Service, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0013Provider of Service, Information Source, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0014Provider of Service, Information Source, Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0015Information Receiver, Provider of Service, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0016Provider of Service, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0017Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0018Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0019Information Source, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0020Information Source, Information Receiver, Group Coverage Options, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0021Information Source, Information Receiver, Group Coverage Options
  • 0022Information Source, Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0023Information Receiver, Information Source, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0024Information Source, Information Receiver, Provider, Group, Site of Service
  • 0025Information Source, Information Receiver, Group, Provider, Site of Service
  • 0026Information Source, Information Receiver, Site of Service, Provider, Group
  • 0027Information Source, Information Receiver, Provider, Site of Service, Group
  • 0028Information Source, Information Receiver, Group, Site of Service, Provider
  • 0029Information Source, Information Receiver, Site of Service, Group, Provider
  • 0035Address, Shipment, Order
  • 0036Address, Transaction Reference Number, Suffix, Serial Number
  • 0055Supergroup, Group, Subgroup, Member
  • 0056Supergroup, subgroup, member, ancillary facility or department
  • 0057Supergroup, subgroup, member
  • 0058Group, member, ancillary facility or department
  • 0059Group, member
  • 0060Hospital, ancillary facility or department
  • 0061Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC) Health Industry Number (HIN) database, facility record, location record
  • 0062Franchisor, franchisee
  • 0063Franchisee association, franchisee
  • 0064Company, Company
  • 0065Company, Operating Unit
  • 0066Operating Unit, Operating Unit
  • 0067Company, Property
  • 0068Company, Property Property, Property
  • 0069Operating Unit, Property
  • 0070Property, Property
  • 0071Company, Tradename
  • 0072Operating Unit, Tradename
  • 0073Property, Tradename
  • 0074Company, Operating Unit, Operating Unit, Operating Unit
  • 0075Operating Unit, Operating Unit, Operating Unit, Operating Unit
  • 0076Company, Operating Unit, Operating Unit, Property
  • 0077Tradename, Property
  • 0078Information Source, Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent, Provider of Service, Services
  • 0079Information Source, Information Receiver, Company/Corporation, Operating Unit
  • 0080Information Source, Employer, Patient
  • 0081Information Source, Patient
  • 0082Information Source, Employer, Subscriber, Dependent
  • 0083Information Source, Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent, Referring Provider, Provider of Service, Services
  • 0084Report, Site, Sample, Test
  • 0085Information Source, Information Receiver, Provider of Service, Patient
  • 0200Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E), Fleet (FL), Jurisdiction (JU)
  • 0201Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Transportation Equipment (E)
  • 0202Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E), Jurisdiction (JU)
  • 0203Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E)
  • 0204Report (RP), Jurisdiction (JU), Company/Corporation (35)
  • 0205Report (RP), Company/Corporation (35), Fleet (FL), Jurisdiction (JU), Transportation Equipment (E)
  • 0206Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Jurisdiction (JU), Transportation Equipment (E)
  • 0207Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Transportation Equipment (E), Component (F), Measurement (M), Jurisdiction (JU)
  • 0208Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Cost Type (CT), Jurisdiction (JU)
  • 0209Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35)
  • 0210Credential Action (AP)
  • 0211Reporting Agency, Claim Administrator, Insurer, Insured, Employer, Claimant, Payment
  • 0212Reporting Agency, Employer, Claimant
  • 0213Reporting Agency, Claim Administrator, Employer, Claimant
  • 0214Information Source, Information Receiver, Response Details
  • 0400Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E), Fleet (FL), Jurisdiction (JU), Payment Detail (PY)
  • 0401Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Transportation Equipment (E), Payment Detail (PY)
  • 0402Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E), Jurisdiction (JU), Payment Detail (PY)
  • 0403Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E), Payment Detail (PY)
  • 0407Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Transportation Equipment (E), Component (F), Measurement (M), Jurisdiction (JU), Payment Detail (PY)
  • ZZZZMutually Defined