X12 EDI Release 00401
673Quantity Qualifier
Code specifying the type of quantity
Codes (832)
  • 10Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material:Disposition Pending
  • 11Split Quantity
  • 12Ship Notice Quantity
  • 13Collateral Requirements
  • 14Quantity in Float
  • 15Quantity in Hold Out
  • 16Line Thread Quantity
  • 17Quantity on Hand
  • 18Previous Week Quantity
  • 19Unverified Receipts
  • 20Unusable Quantity
  • 21Cumulative Quantity Shipped Short - Disposition Pending
  • 22Cumulative Quantity Shipped Short - Disposition Challenged
  • 23Cumulative Quantity Shipped Long - Disposition Pending
  • 24Cumulative Quantity Shipped Long - Disposition Challenged
  • 25OEM Inventory
  • 26Total Inventory
  • 27Committed Quantity
  • 28Quantity Available for Return
  • 29Projected Available Inventory
  • 30Quote Quantity on Inventory
  • 31Additional Demand Quantity
  • 32Quantity Sold
  • 33Quantity Available for Sale (stock quantity)
  • 34Noncommitted Inventory on Shelf
  • 35Inventory on Shelf + Work in Progress
  • 36Distributor Inventory
  • 37Work In Process
  • 38Original Quantity
  • 39Shipped Quantity
  • 40Remaining Quantity
  • 41Number of Batches
  • 42Number of Checks
  • 43Talk Paths
  • 45Cumulative quantity on order
  • 46Total transactions
  • 47Primary Net Quantity
  • 48Secondary Net Quantity
  • 49Number of Signed Bills of Lading
  • 50Number of Copies of Bill of Lading
  • 51Number of Unsigned Bills of Lading
  • 52Number of Originals
  • 53Original payment item count.
  • 54Bank reject item count.
  • 55Net to pay item count.
  • 56Minimum Contract Quantity
  • 57Minimum Order Quantity
  • 58Payment Cancellation Item Count
  • 60Total Authorized Quantity
  • 61Remaining Authorized Quantity
  • 62Number of Days Covered by Inventory
  • 63On Order Quantity
  • 64Past Due Quantity
  • 65Previous Month's Usage
  • 66Minimum Fabrication Quantity
  • 67Minimum Ship Quantity
  • 68Maximum Number of Shipments Allowed
  • 69Incremental Order Quantity
  • 70Maximum Order Quantity
  • 72Minimum Stock Level
  • 73Maximum Stock Level
  • 74Damaged Goods
  • 75Receipts
  • 76Returns
  • 77Stock Transfers In
  • 78Stock Transfers Out
  • 79Billing Unit(s) Per Pricing Unit
  • 80Pricing Unit(s) Per Billing Unit
  • 81Prepaid Quantity Shipped
  • 82Prepaid Quantity Not Shipped
  • 83Submitted Quantity Sold
  • 84Submitted Quantity Returned
  • 85Lot Size
  • 86Nonconformance Quantity
  • 87Quantity Received
  • 88Beds
  • 89Operating Beds
  • 90Acknowledged Quantity
  • 91Additional Usage Quantity
  • 92Allotted Usage Quantity
  • 93Attendant-Handled Quantity
  • 94Billable Quantity
  • 95Data Storage Quantity
  • 96Non-Billable Quantity
  • 97Non-Urgent Delivery Quantity
  • 98Overflow Quantity
  • 99Quantity Used
  • 01Discrete Quantity
  • 02Cumulative Quantity
  • 03Discreet Quantity - Rejected Material
  • 04Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material:Disposition Replacement
  • 05Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material:Disposition Credit
  • 06Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material:Disposition Pending
  • 07Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material
  • 08Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material:Disposition Replacement
  • 09Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material:Disposition Credit
  • 1AOriginal Duration (in calendar units)
  • 1BCurrent Duration (in calendar units)
  • 1CRemaining Duration (in calendar units)
  • 1DTotal Float (in calendar units)
  • 1EFree Float (in calendar units)
  • 1FLag (as in Lag Time - in calendar units)
  • 1GLead Time (in calendar units)
  • 1HStarted
  • 1ICompleted
  • 1JDue
  • 1KTime Units
  • 1LShifts
  • 1MTime units per shift
  • 1NScrap allowed
  • 1OCalendar Units
  • 1PResource (Quantity) available
  • 1QTotal Resource (Quantity)
  • 1RLevel Resource (Quantity)
  • 1SLate
  • 1TNumber of Delinquent Installments
  • 1UNumber of Loans
  • 1VTotal Number of Mortgagees
  • 1WTotal Number of Loan Detail Records
  • 1XPrescription Effective Period
  • 1YRate Per Day (RPD)
  • 1ZEnd Of Month Inventory Prior To Ship
  • 2ACommitment Period
  • 2BNumber of Borrowers
  • 2CNumber of Adjustment Periods
  • 2DAge Nearest
  • 2ETotal Other Properties Owned and Financed
  • 2FAge Next
  • 2GReconsideration Period
  • 2HFlat Extra Premium
  • 2ICO2 Injection Volume
  • 2JAccounts Placed for Collection
  • 2KChanges
  • 2LCompanies in Same Activity for a Period
  • 2MComparison Period
  • 2NDepartments
  • 2OEmployees Shared
  • 2PEstimated Accounts
  • 2QInstalled Capacity
  • 2RLevels Occupied
  • 2SRegistered Brands Distributed
  • 2TElectronic Signatures
  • 2UBytes
  • 2VEmployed at this Location
  • 2WSegments
  • 2XRegistered Brands Manufactured
  • 2YFunctional Groups
  • 2ZTransaction Sets
  • 3ATotal Credits Accepted
  • 3BTotal Credits Rejected
  • 3CTotal Debits Accepted
  • 3DTotal Debits Rejected
  • 3ETotal Payments Rejected
  • 3FTotal Pre-advices Accepted
  • 3GTotal Pre-advices Rejected
  • 3HTotal Prenotes Accepted
  • 3ITotal Prenotes Rejected
  • 3JTotal Post-advices Accepted
  • 3KTotal Post-advices Rejected
  • 3LTotal Unidentified Transactions Rejected
  • 3MTotal Credits Received
  • 3NTotal Debits Received
  • 3PTotal Pre-advices Received
  • 3QTotal Prenotes Received
  • 3RTotal Post-advices Received
  • 3STotal Debits
  • 3TTotal Credits
  • 3U
  • 3VMinimum Transfer
  • 3WMaximum Transfer
  • 3XSpeed Capacity
  • 3YSubcontractors
  • 4AAccounts
  • 4BAgents
  • 4CAuthorized Shares
  • 4DClerks
  • 4EDesign Employees
  • 4FForeign Related Entities
  • 4GGroup Employees
  • 4HIssued Shares
  • 4ILaborers
  • 4JOther Employee Type
  • 4KPart Time Employees
  • 4LRelated Entities
  • 4MRelatives Employed
  • 4NSalespersons
  • 4OSpace Occupied
  • 4PSpecial Partners
  • 4QSuppliers' Credit
  • 4RTechnicians
  • 4STrainees
  • 4TWarehouse Employees
  • 4UShareholders
  • 5AAggregate Benefit Period
  • 5BAnticipated Length of Service
  • 5CApproval/Offer Duration
  • 5DBenefit Amount
  • 5EBenefit Period
  • 5FBrothers Deceased
  • 5GBrothers Living
  • 5HChildren
  • 5ICitations
  • 5JClaim Period
  • 5KCoverage
  • 5LElimination Period
  • 5MElimination Period - Accident
  • 5NElimination Period - Sickness
  • 5OEmployees - Nonowner
  • 5PEmployees - Owner
  • 5QEmployees - Part Time
  • 5REmployees - Same Duties
  • 5SEmployees - Same Occupation
  • 5TExpense
  • 5UFrequency
  • 5VGeneral Elimination Period
  • 5WGuarantee Period
  • 5XHeight
  • 5YHours Flown - Aircraft Type/Life
  • 5ZHours Flown - Aircraft Type/Period
  • 6AHours Flown - Aircraft/Type Flying
  • 6BHours Flown - Lifetime
  • 6CHours Flown - Type Flying
  • 6DImpairment Duration
  • 6EImpairment Frequency
  • 6FInstallment Frequency
  • 6GInstallments
  • 6HIntended Change Time Period
  • 6IInterim Term Period
  • 6JInvolvement Period
  • 6KLoan Rate
  • 6LMaximum Age
  • 6MMaximum Benefit Period - Accident
  • 6NMaximum Benefit Period - Sickness
  • 6OMaximum Benefit Period
  • 6PMedication Duration
  • 6QMinimum Age
  • 6ROwn Occupation Qualification Period
  • 6SOwner's Equity
  • 6TOwnership Change Age
  • 6UOwnership Duration
  • 6VOwnership Percentage
  • 6WPayment Frequency
  • 6XPayments Number
  • 6ZPlacement Period Expiration
  • 7APrevious Benefits
  • 7BQualification Period
  • 7CRange Average
  • 7DRange Maximum
  • 7ERange Minimum
  • 7FRelationship Duration
  • 7GReplaced Amount
  • 7HResidence Duration
  • 7ISisters Deceased
  • 7JSisters Living
  • 7KTime Frame
  • 7LTime in Country
  • 7MTime Since Hospitalization
  • 7NTime Since Last Application
  • 7OTime Since Last Civilian Flight
  • 7PTime Since Last Insurance Medical
  • 7QTime Since Last Military Flight
  • 7RTime Since Medical Consult
  • 7STime Since Medication End
  • 7TTime Since Medication Start
  • 7UTime Since Onset
  • 7VTime Since Surgery
  • 7WTime Since Trip
  • 7XTravel Frequency
  • 7YTravel Period
  • 7ZTrip Duration
  • 8AVisitation Frequency
  • 8BWeight
  • 8CWeight Change Period
  • 8DWork Period
  • 8EExistence Limit Period
  • 8FShares
  • 8GDirectors
  • 8HMinimum
  • 8IVoting Shares Held
  • 8JOutstanding Shares
  • 8KShares Held as Treasury Stock
  • 8LShares Subscribed but Not Issued
  • 8MTotal Shares of Stock
  • 8NShares Owned by In-State Residents
  • 8OShares Owned by Out-of-State Residents
  • 8PPartners
  • 8QLand Holding
  • 8RNon-Domestic Stockholders
  • 8SShares Subscribed
  • 9ATime Expended
  • 9CPrimary Meter Reading Value
  • 9DEngineered Standard
  • 9EActive Maintenance Time
  • 9FActual Duration
  • 9HEstimated Duration
  • 9JGross Estimate
  • 9KFinish Offset
  • 9LStart Offset
  • 9MPicture Count
  • 9NComponent Meter Reading Count
  • A1Acceptable Unserviceable Quantity
  • A2Optimistic Duration
  • A3Most Likely Duration
  • A4Pessimistic Duration
  • A5Adjusted Quantity
  • A6Accidents
  • A7Years in School
  • A8Number of Dependents
  • A9Years on Job
  • AAUnacknowledged Quantity
  • ABUrgent Delivery Quantity
  • ACVoice Storage Quantity
  • ADMaintenance Units
  • AEMinimum Average Time Requirement (MATR) Units
  • AFWide Area Telephone Service (WATS)/800 Service Units
  • AGNumber of End Users
  • AHNumber of Message Recipients
  • AINumber of Operator Credits
  • AJDaily Adjustments
  • AKYears in this Line of Work/Profession
  • ALArea per Units
  • ANAge at Death
  • AOVerified Receipts
  • APOrder Quantity Multiple
  • AQContribution Total
  • ARLoan Repayment Total
  • ASParticipant Total
  • ATActual
  • AUCumulative Actual
  • AVBudget
  • AWCumulative Budget
  • AXNumber of Insured Lives
  • AYForecast
  • AZForecast at Complete
  • B1Number of Mortgagors
  • B2Mortgage Pool Count
  • B3Requested Amount
  • B4Approved Amount
  • B5Additional Amount
  • B6Pre-op Days
  • B7Post-op Days
  • B8Average
  • BADue-In
  • BBContractor Cumulative to Date
  • BCBudget At Complete
  • BDContractor at Complete
  • BESubcontractor Cumulative to Date
  • BFAge Modifying Units
  • BGSubcontractor at Complete
  • BHBook Order Quantity
  • BIBook Inventory
  • BJBedroom Count
  • BKBathroom Count
  • BQBackorder Quantity
  • BRBlood Record
  • BWBirth Weight
  • C0Creditors
  • CACovered - Actual
  • CBClosing Statement Balance
  • CCCurrent Days on Market
  • CDCo-insured - Actual
  • CECovered - Estimated
  • CFCo-insured - Estimated
  • CGCumulative Gas Volume
  • CHCumulative Effect of Prior Period Adjustment
  • CICumulative Gas Injection Volume
  • CLCumulative Liquid Injection Volume
  • CNContinuance Duration
  • COCumulative Oil/Condensate Volume
  • CPCurrent Period Imbalance
  • CRCertified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Number of Concurrent Procedures
  • CSCurrent Service Life
  • CWCumulative Water Volume
  • CYConvictions Sent
  • CZTotal Number of Convictions
  • D1Billed
  • D3Number of Co-insurance Days
  • DADependent's Age
  • DBDeductible Blood Units
  • DCDependent Count
  • DDDistributed
  • DEDebited
  • DFDeleted
  • DGGas Used for Drilling
  • DIDisposed
  • DNDefault Notification Response Period
  • DODays Operated
  • DPDays Produced
  • DRDirect Workers
  • DSDose
  • DTDependent Total
  • DYDays
  • E1Course Segments
  • E2Degree Segments
  • E3Employed on this job
  • E4Employed in this Profession
  • E5Employed by this Company
  • EAExclusive Uses
  • EBNonexclusive Uses
  • ECUse of Extracorporeal Circulation
  • EDDomestic Uses
  • EESmall Business Uses
  • EMEmergency Modifying Units
  • EPProduct Exchange Amount
  • EQEquity Security Holder
  • EREstimated Remaining Economic Life
  • ESEnding Stock
  • ETEmployee Total
  • EWEvaporated Water
  • F1Off Lease Fuel
  • FAFull Baths
  • FBFurnished Blood Units
  • FCFuel Consumed or Burned Amount
  • FDVehicular Radios
  • FEPortable Radios
  • FFFlare or Flash
  • FGMarine Radios
  • FHPagers
  • FIConventional Mobiles
  • FJTrunked Channels
  • FKMobile Loading Allocation
  • FLUnits
  • FMAircraft Radios
  • FR
  • FSGas Used for Fuel System
  • FTForecast to Complete
  • GAGross Building Area
  • GBGross Annual Income Multiplier
  • GCGross Living Area
  • GEOriginal Term In Years
  • GFYears Remaining
  • GIGas Injection Volume
  • GLGas Lift Volume
  • GPGross Production
  • GQGovernment Reporting Quantity
  • GRGas Receipt Volume
  • GSGas Sold
  • GTGrade Transfer Amount
  • GUEmployee Total First Month of Quarter
  • GVGas Volume
  • GWEmployee Total Second Month of Quarter
  • GXEmployee Total Third Month of Quarter
  • GZActive Listings
  • HAMarket Price Change
  • HBUnpaid
  • HCBranches
  • HDSubsidiaries
  • HEAge of Financial Information
  • HFInvoices
  • HGFinancial Coverage Period
  • HHMaximum Number of Employees at Location
  • HIPrevious Number of Accounts
  • HJCollection Period
  • HKDisbursement Period
  • HLSeats
  • HMUse of Hypothermia
  • HNPrevious Number of Employees
  • HOUse of Hypotension
  • HPUse of Hyperbaric Pressurization
  • HRUse of Hypertension
  • HSHours
  • IINumber of Irregular Interest Payments
  • INIndirect Workers
  • IPNumber of Interest Payments
  • IQIn-Transit Quantity
  • ISInformation Provider Standardized Motor Vehicle Penalty Points
  • ITIntertank Transfer Amount
  • JAActivity Codes
  • JBAssociates
  • JCAverage Employees
  • JDCooperative Shares
  • JEEstimated Employees at Location
  • JFEstimated Total Employees
  • JGFinancial Institutions
  • JHJudgments
  • JILand Size
  • JJLiens
  • JKMinimum Employees at Location
  • JLOffice Size
  • JMOwner
  • JNPlant Size
  • JOPrevious Number of Branches
  • JPProtested Bills
  • JQSuits
  • JRUniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filings
  • JSJudicial Stay Duration
  • JTWarehouse Size
  • K6Drafts
  • KAEstimated
  • KBNet Quantity Increase
  • KCNet Quantity Decrease
  • KDExpenditure Quantity
  • KEOriginals
  • KFDuplicates
  • KGCompleted Line Items
  • KHCompleted Contracts
  • KIActive Contracts Delinquent-Buying Party Caused
  • KJActive Contracts Delinquent
  • KKActive Contracts Delinquent-Contractor Caused
  • KLActive Contracts Delinquent-Unknown Causes
  • KMActive Line Items Delinquent
  • KNActive Line Items Delinquent-Buying Party Caused
  • KOActive Line Items Delinquent-Contractor Caused
  • KPActive Line Items Delinquent-Unknown Causes
  • KQContracts Completed Delinquent-Buying Party Caused
  • KRContract Completed Delinquent-Contractor Caused
  • KSContracts Completed Delinquent-Unknown Causes
  • KUReported Deficiencies
  • KVLine Items Completed Delinquent-Buying Party Caused
  • KWLine Items Completed Delinquent-Contractor Caused
  • KXLine Items Completed Delinquent-Unknown Causes
  • KYCorrective Action Requests-Verbal
  • KZCorrective Action Requests-Written
  • L2Guarantee Fee Buyup Maximum
  • L3Contract Buyup
  • L4Contract Buydown
  • L5Guarantee Fee Rate after Alternate Payment Method
  • L6Guarantee Fee Rate after Buyup or Buydown
  • L7Buyup or Buydown Rate per Basis Point
  • LALife-time Reserve - Actual
  • LBLoss Allowance
  • LCLate Payment Period
  • LELife-time Reserve - Estimated
  • LGLoss or Gain
  • LHLost Gas
  • LILiquid Injection Volume
  • LKCorrective Action Requests-Method C
  • LLCorrective Action Requests-Method D
  • LMCorrective Action Requests-Method E
  • LNAged Active Line Items Delinquent-Contractor Caused
  • LOLost Oil
  • LPLease Periods
  • LQAged Line Items Delinquent
  • LRAged Line Items Completed-Contractor Caused
  • LSOil Condensate Sold
  • LTTariff Loss Allowance
  • LVOil/Condensate Volume
  • LWLost Work Time Actual
  • LXLost Work Time Estimated
  • LYLength of Residency
  • M1Matching Equipment
  • M2Maximum
  • MAMiscellaneous Allowance
  • MDMillion Dollar Roundtable Credits
  • MEMinimum Number of Employees
  • MFManufactured
  • MIMiles
  • MMMaximum Maturity Extension
  • MNMonth
  • MOMinimum Order Package Level
  • MQMaximum Ship Quantity
  • MXMaximum Number of Employees
  • N1Number of Attacks or Occurrences
  • N2Number of Dead
  • N3Number of Living
  • N4Number of Times
  • N5Minimum Forecast Quantity
  • N6Maximum Forecast Quantity
  • NANumber of Non-covered Days
  • NBNumber of Units (Housing)
  • NCNumber of Claimants
  • NDNumber of Late Charges
  • NENon-Covered - Estimated
  • NFNumber of Full-Time Employees
  • NGNumber of Nonsufficient Fund Items
  • NLNumber of Levels
  • NNNumber of Hospitals
  • NONumber of Physicians
  • NPNumber of Members
  • NQNumber of Franchisees
  • NRNot Replaced Blood Units
  • NSNumber of Stations
  • NTReports
  • NUSince Last Travel
  • NVNet
  • NWUntil Next Travel
  • OCOrder Count
  • ODOther Miscellaneous Disposition
  • OFOff Premise Sales Quantity
  • OGOther Gas Disposition
  • OHOther Injection Volume
  • OIOpening Statement Balance
  • OLOriginal Loan Term
  • ONOn Premise Sales Quantity
  • OOOther Oil Condensate Disposition
  • OROriginal
  • OTNumber of Operating Periods at Failure
  • OUOutlier Days
  • OVOverage
  • OWOther Water Disposition
  • P1Project Phases
  • P3Physical Status III
  • P4Physical Status IV
  • P5Physical Status V
  • P6Number of Services or Procedures
  • P7Prescription Dosage
  • P8Prescription Frequency
  • P9Number of People Living at Residence
  • PAPipeline Adjustment or Allowance
  • PBPressure Base
  • PCPrior Cumulative Imbalance
  • PDPayment Duration Weeks
  • PEPeriod of Employment
  • PFGas Used for Plant Fuel
  • PGPersistency
  • PKParking Spaces
  • PLPartial Baths
  • POPercentage of Ordered Quantity
  • PPPurchase of Product
  • PQCumulative Quantity Required Prior to the First Scheduled Period
  • PRRequirement Quantity that was Previously Released
  • PSPrescription
  • PTPatients
  • PWPitted Water
  • PXPrior Units Accepted
  • Q1Minimum quantity to which tax rate applies
  • Q2Maximum quantity to which tax rate applies
  • Q3Quantity Earned
  • Q4Quantity Carried Forward
  • QAQuantity Approved
  • QBQuantity Dispensed
  • QCQuantity Disapproved
  • QDQuantity Delivered
  • QEQuantity Deferred
  • QFHigh Fabrication Authorization Quantity
  • QHQuantity on Hold
  • QICommunity Service Duration
  • QJNumber of Times Deported
  • QLJail Sentence Duration
  • QMProbation Duration
  • QNRestriction Duration
  • QOOperating Quantity
  • QPQuantity by Position
  • QQSuspended Duration
  • QRHigh Raw Material Authorization Quantity
  • QSQuantity Per Skid
  • QUQuantity Serviced
  • QVQuantity Cancelled
  • QWQuantity Withdrawn
  • QXQualifying Weeks
  • R3Estimated Remaining Physical Life
  • R5Axles
  • R6Platform Count
  • R9Fuel
  • RARefills Authorized
  • RBReplaced Blood Units
  • RCNumber of Items Authorized at Store
  • RDNumber of Items Authorized at Warehouse
  • REGas Returned to Earth
  • RFNumber of Items in Stock
  • RGGas Used for Repressuring or Pressure Maintenance
  • RHNumber of Shelf Tags
  • RJQuantity Available on Shelf
  • RLGas Returned to Property for fuel
  • RMRoom Count
  • RNUnits Rented
  • RQRoyalty
  • RSNumber of Shelf Facings
  • RTRetail Sales Quantity
  • RWWater Re-injected on Property
  • RYRequirement Quantity
  • S1Planned Unit Development (PUD) Units
  • S2Rooms, Finished Area Above Grade
  • S3Dwelling Area
  • S4Garage or Carport Area
  • S5Units for Sale
  • S6Gross Rent Multiplier
  • S7Age, High Value
  • S8Age, Low Value
  • S9Bedrooms, Finished Area Above Grade
  • SAShipments
  • SBSolicited
  • SCBathrooms, Finished Area Above Grade
  • SDCriminal Sentence Duration
  • SEGross Living, Finished Area Above Grade
  • SFSite
  • SGSwan-Ganz
  • SHShortage
  • SIRooms
  • SJArea of Level
  • SKGas Shrinkage
  • SLPredominate Age
  • SMMinimum Criminal Sentence Duration
  • SNAge
  • SOOil Sedimentation
  • SPDays Supply
  • SQProduct Sales Amount
  • SREffective Age
  • SSShares of Preferred Stock
  • STStandard
  • SUForecasted Scanned Quantity
  • SVShares of Common Stock
  • SWSample Amount
  • SXMaximum Criminal Sentence Duration
  • SYState or Province Motor Vehicle Penalty Points
  • T1Time Units Known
  • T2Time Units Spent on Duty
  • T3Total Days on Market
  • T4Total Rooms
  • T5Total Number of Units
  • T6Total Number of Units for Sale
  • T7Tires
  • TATank Allowance
  • TBOil Theft
  • TCTotal at Complete
  • TDTotal to Date
  • TENumber of Theatres
  • TGTotal Gas Injection Volume
  • THTheoretical Quantity
  • TITotal Oil and/or Condensate Injection Volume
  • TJDuration in Current Job
  • TKTotal Oil and/or Condensate Disposition
  • TMTotal Water Disposition
  • TNTotal Beginning Inventory
  • TOTotal
  • TPTime in Position
  • TRTrips
  • TSTotal Number of Parking Spaces
  • TTTotal Production Volume
  • TUTotal Adjustments Volume
  • TVTotal Gas Disposition
  • TWTotal Water Injection Volume
  • TXTotal Ending Inventory
  • TYTotal Sales Volume
  • UAUnits Completed
  • UGGas Used on Property
  • ULApproximate Number of Units for Sale Projected
  • UOOil Condensate Used on Property
  • USIn-Use
  • UUUsed
  • V1Retention Quantity
  • V2Available Quantity
  • V3Transfer Quantity
  • V4Surveys in Average Rating
  • V5Vacancies
  • VAVolume Shrinkage Adjustment or Allowance
  • VBBlank Votes
  • VCCumulative Earned Value
  • VDScattered Votes
  • VEEarned Value
  • VFFederal Votes
  • VGGas Vented
  • VHSchedule Variance
  • VICumulative Schedule Variance
  • VJCumulative Variance
  • VKEstimate at Complete
  • VLAt Complete Variance
  • VMVariance Adjustment
  • VNNo Votes
  • VPPresidential Votes
  • VRVariance
  • VSVisits
  • VTVotes
  • VVVoid Votes
  • VYYes Votes
  • WATotal number of Workers' Compensation First Reports
  • WBTotal number of Workers' Compensation Subsequent Reports
  • WCTotal number of Workers' Compensation Combined Reports
  • WDUnits Worked per Day
  • WELimited Quantity
  • WGWeight Gain
  • WLWeight Loss
  • WOOperator's Working Interest
  • WPNumber of Producing Wells Remaining on Property or Facility
  • WRNumber of Producing Wells Remaining on Royalty Account
  • WTTotal Working Interest
  • WVWater Volume
  • WWWeeks Worked
  • WXLicense Withdrawal Duration
  • WYLicense Withdrawals Sent
  • X1Producing Wells
  • XATotal of Issuable Assets
  • XBTotal System Backorder Quantity, High Priority
  • XCTotal Service Backorder Quantity, High Priority
  • XDTotal System Backorder Quantity, Low Priority
  • XETotal Service Backorder Quantity, Low Priority
  • XGOn Hand and Due-In
  • XIInstallment Payments
  • XJOther War Reserve Material Requirements Protectable (OWRMRP) Quantity
  • XLApproximate Number of Units Projected
  • XNApproximate Number of Holders
  • XOCirculating Oil
  • XTProtected Quantity
  • XUReserved
  • XVRequisitioning Objective
  • XXAuthorized Retention Level
  • XYSafety Level
  • XZBackorder Lines
  • YATotal Demand Quantity
  • YBTotal Demand Orders
  • YCFirst Quarter Recurring Demand
  • YDFirst Quarter Recurring Orders
  • YEFirst Quarter Non-recurring Demand
  • YFFirst Quarter Non-recurring Orders
  • YGSecond Quarter Recurring Demand
  • YHSecond Quarter Recurring Orders
  • YJSecond Quarter Non-recurring Demand
  • YKSecond Quarter Non-recurring Orders
  • YLThird Quarter Recurring Demand
  • YMThird Quarter Recurring Orders
  • YNThird Quarter Non-recurring Demand
  • YPThird Quarter Non-recurring Orders
  • YQFourth Quarter Recurring Demand
  • YRFourth Quarter Recurring Orders
  • YSFourth Quarter Non-recurring Demand
  • YTFourth Quarter Non-recurring Orders
  • YWReorder Point Quantity
  • YXContract Line Item Quantity
  • YYYears
  • Z1Units Worked Last Day
  • Z2Units Worked per Week
  • Z3Units Worked per Quarter
  • Z4Number Weeks Paid
  • Z6Unused Accumulated Sick Days
  • ZAFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 1
  • ZBFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 2
  • ZCFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 3
  • ZDFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 4
  • ZEFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 5
  • ZFFederal Pension Mandate - Category 1
  • ZGFederal Pension Mandate - Category 2
  • ZHFederal Pension Mandate - Category 3
  • ZIHolding Period
  • ZJFederal Pension Mandate - Category 5
  • ZKFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 1
  • ZLFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 2
  • ZMFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 3
  • ZNFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 4
  • ZOFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 5
  • ZPFederal Pension Mandate - Category 4
  • ZRExtended Term
  • ZSAmortization Term