4439Payment conditions, coded
Identification of the method employed or to be employed in order that a payment may be made or regarded as made. The method may or may not be tied to a guarantee.
长度Min 0 / Max 3
Codes (55)
  • 1Direct payment
  • 2Automatic clearing house credit
  • 3Automatic clearing house debit
  • 4Automatic clearing house credit-savings account
  • 5Automatic clearing house debit-demand account
  • 6Bank book transfer (credit)
  • 7Bank book transfer (debit)
  • 8Doc collection via 3rd party with bill of EX
  • 9Doc collection via 3rd party no bill of EX
  • 10Irrevocable documentary credit
  • 11Transferable irrevocable documentary credit
  • 12Confirmed irrevocable documentary credit
  • 13Transferable confirmed irrevocable documentary credit
  • 14Revocable documentary credit
  • 15Irrevocable letter of credit-confirmed
  • 16Letter of guarantee
  • 17Revocable letter of credit
  • 18Standby letter of credit
  • 19Irrevocable letter of credit unconfirmed
  • 20Clean collection (ICC)
  • 21Documentary collection (ICC)
  • 22Documentary sight collection (ICC)
  • 23Documentary collection with date of expiry (ICC)
  • 24Documentary collection: bill of exchange against acceptance
  • 25Documentary collection: bill of exchange against payment
  • 26Collection subject to buyer's approval (ICC)
  • 27Collection by a bank consignee for the goods (ICC)
  • 28Collection under CMEA rules with immediate payment and subsequent AC
  • 29Collection under CMEA rules with prior acceptance
  • 30Other collection
  • 31Open account against payment in advance
  • 32Open account for contra
  • 33Open account for payment
  • 34Seller to advise buyer
  • 35Documents through banks
  • 36Charging (to account)
  • 37Available with issuing bank
  • 38Available with advising bank
  • 39Available with named bank
  • 40Available with any bank
  • 41Available with any bank in ...
  • 42Indirect payment
  • 43Reassignment
  • 44Offset
  • 45Special entries
  • 46Instalment payment
  • 47Instalment payment with draft
  • 61Set-off by exchange of documents
  • 62Set-off by reciprocal credits
  • 63Set-off by linkage (against reciprocal benefits)
  • 64Set-off by exchange of goods
  • 69Other set-off
  • 70Supplier to invoice
  • 71Recipient to self bill
  • ZZZMutually defined