X12 EDI Release 00302
673Quantity Qualifier
Code specifying the type of quantity.
Codes (125)
  • 10Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Pending
  • 11Split Quantity
  • 12Ship Notice Quantity
  • 13Collateral Requirements
  • 14Quantity in Float
  • 15Quantity in Hold Out
  • 16Line Thread Quantity
  • 17Quantity on Hand
  • 18Previous Week Quantity
  • 19Unverified Receipts
  • 20Unusable Quantity
  • 21Cumulative Quantity Shipped Short - Disposition Pending
  • 22Cumulative Quantity Shipped Short - Disposition Challenged
  • 23Cumulative Quantity Shipped Long - Disposition Pending
  • 24Cumulative Quantity Shipped Long - Disposition Challenged
  • 25OEM Inventory
  • 26Total Inventory
  • 27Committed Quantity
  • 28Quantity Available for Return
  • 29Projected Available Inventory
  • 30Quote Quantity on Inventory
  • 31Additional Demand Quantity
  • 32Quantity Sold
  • 33Quantity Available for Sale (stock quantity)
  • 34Noncommitted Inventory on Shelf
  • 35Inventory on Shelf + Work in Progress
  • 36Distributor Inventory
  • 37Work In Process
  • 38Original Quantity
  • 39Shipped Quantity
  • 40Remaining Quantity
  • 41Number of Batches
  • 42Number of Checks
  • 45Cumulative quantity on order
  • 46Total transactions
  • 47Primary Net Quantity
  • 48Secondary Net Quantity
  • 49Number of Signed Bills of Lading
  • 50Number of Copies of Bill of Lading
  • 51Number of Unsigned Bills of Lading
  • 52Number of Originals
  • 53Original payment item count.
  • 54Bank reject item count.
  • 55Net to pay item count.
  • 56Minimum Contract Quantity
  • 57Minimum Order Quantity
  • 58Payment Cancellation Item Count
  • 60Total Authorized Quantity
  • 61Remaining Authorized Quantity
  • 62Number of Days Covered by Inventory
  • 63On Order Quantity
  • 64Past Due Quantity
  • 65Previous Month's Usage
  • 66Minimum Fabrication Quantity
  • 67Minimum Ship Quantity
  • 68Maximum Number of Shipments Allowed
  • 69Incremental Order Quantity
  • 70Maximum Order Quantity
  • 72Minimum Stock Level
  • 73Maximum Stock Level
  • 74Damaged Goods
  • 75Receipts
  • 76Returns
  • 77Stock Transfers In
  • 78Stock Transfers Out
  • 79Billing Unit(s) Per Pricing Unit
  • 80Pricing Unit(s) Per Billing Unit
  • 81Prepaid Quantity Shipped
  • 82Prepaid Quantity Not Shipped
  • 83Submitted Quantity Sold
  • 84Submitted Quantity Returned
  • 85Lot Size
  • 86Nonconformance Quantity
  • 87Quantity Received
  • 88Beds
  • 89Operating Beds
  • 90Acknowledged Quantity
  • 91Additional Usage Quantity
  • 92Allotted Usage Quantity
  • 93Attendant-Handled Quantity
  • 94Billable Quantity
  • 95Data Storage Quantity
  • 96Non-Billable Quantity
  • 97Non-Urgent Delivery Quantity
  • 98Overflow Quantity
  • 99Quantity Used
  • 01Discrete Quantity
  • 02Cumulative Quantity
  • 03Discreet Quantity - Rejected Material
  • 04Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Replacement
  • 05Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Credit
  • 06Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Pending
  • 07Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material
  • 08Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Replacement
  • 09Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Credit
  • AAUnacknowledged Quantity
  • ABUrgent Delivery Quantity
  • ACVoice Storage Quantity
  • ADMaintenance Units
  • AEMinimum Average Time Requirement (MATR) Units
  • AFWide Area Telephone Service (WATS)/800 Service Units
  • AGNumber of End Users
  • AHNumber of Message Recipients
  • AINumber of Operator Credits
  • AJDaily Adjustments
  • AOVerified Receipts
  • APOrder Quantity Multiple
  • BQBackorder Quantity
  • CGCumulative Gas Volume
  • CICumulative Gas Injection Volume
  • CLCumulative Liquid Injection Volume
  • COCumulative Oil/Condensate Volume
  • CWCumulative Water Volume
  • DODays Operated
  • DPDays Produced
  • GIGas Injection Volume
  • GLGas Lift Volume
  • GVGas Volume
  • IQIn-Transit Quantity
  • LILiquid Injection Volume
  • LPLease Periods
  • LVOil/Condensate Volume
  • MQMaximum Ship Quantity
  • PBPressure Base
  • WVWater Volume