4295Change reason description code
Code specifying the reason for a change.
长度Min 0 / Max 3
Codes (62)
  • AAMember attribute change
  • ABAbroad
  • ACMember category change
  • ADDeath
  • AEDisability
  • AFEarly retirement
  • AGHardship
  • AHIll health
  • AILeaving employer
  • AJLeaving industry
  • AKLevel/rate table change
  • ALNormal retirement
  • AMOther
  • ANRetrenchment
  • AOResignation
  • APMember status change
  • AQAlternate quantity and unit of measurement
  • ARArticle out of assortment for particular company
  • ASArticle out of assortment
  • ATItem not ordered
  • AUNo delivery due to outstanding payments
  • AVOut of inventory
  • AWQuantity adjustment
  • AXNational pricing authority agreement is final
  • AYSale location different
  • AZBest before date out of sequence
  • BADamaged goods
  • BBTransport means technical failure
  • BCEquipment technical failure
  • BDBlueprint deviation
  • BEGoods technical failure
  • BFSpoilage of goods
  • BGGrade difference out of tolerance level
  • BQBalancing quantity
  • DCDate change
  • EVEstimated quantity
  • GUGross volume per pack and unit of measure
  • GWGross weight per pack
  • LDLength difference
  • MCPack/size measure difference
  • PCPack type difference
  • PDPack dimension difference
  • PQPack quantity
  • PSProduct/services ID change
  • PWPack weight difference
  • PZPack size difference
  • QOQuantity ordered
  • QPQuantity based on price qualifier
  • QTQuantity price break
  • SCSize difference
  • UMUnit of measure difference
  • UPUnit price
  • WDWidth difference
  • WOWeight qualifier/gross weight per package
  • WPInadvertent error
  • WQOver shipped
  • WRTemporarily unavailable
  • WSGovernment action
  • WTExcluded from the promotion activity
  • WUCommitted purchase quantity exceeded
  • WVCommitted purchase quantity not ordered
  • ZZZMutually defined